Course Content
Selenium Online Training
Introduction to Automation
What is Automation Testing?
Advantages & Limitations of Automation Testing
Automation Criteria (Automate or Not)
Web Applications and Test Automation for Web Applications
Introduction to Selenium 3 & 4 and WebDriver
Introducing Selenium
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Grid
Supported Browsers
JAVA, Eclipse IDE and TestNG
Installation of Eclipse (for Selenium Programming in JAVA)
Usage of Eclipse
Sample JAVA Program to Get Hands on Eclipse
Running & Debugging JAVA Programs
TestNG Basics
TestNG Usage with Selenium
TestNG on JUnit
Selenium IDE
Basic Usage
Selenium WebDriver and Selenium RC
How Selenium Server Works
Selenium Configuration with Eclipse
GUI Locators (By ID, By Name, By Link etc)
X-PATH and Different Techniques
X-Path Absolute, Relative, Attributes
Selenium WebDriver
Writing WebDriver scripts
Hands on WebDriver Commands
Running Tests on Internet Explorer, Firefox & Google Chrome
Reporting & Verifying Results
Debugging Selenium Tests
Automation Framework Development & Usage
Creation of Framework
Usage of Framework
Sample Project Implementation using the Framework
Framework Advantages (Keyword Driven, Maintainability, Reusability)
Data Driving in Selenium with Excel files (Data Driven Framework)
Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid Overview
Setting up Selenium Grid
Grid as Collection of Selenium Server nodes
Running tests using Selenium Grid
Initialize repo
Commiting code
Modifying code and merge conflict resolution
Branch creation
CI CD pipeline
Jenkins usage
Jenkins admin things
Hub and Node concept
Run automation suite on Jenkins